Толкование на группу стихов: Прем: 3: 13-13
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Толкование на группу стихов: Прем: 3: 13-13
Толкование на книгу пророка Осии, 9Толкование на группу стихов: Прем: 3: 13-13
THE BARRENNESS OF THE HERETIC. JEROME: The prophet entreats the Lord and says, “Give them, Lord.” He responds, “What shall I give them?” And immediately he replies, “Give them a barren womb and withered breasts,” so that they would not have prideful thoughts and would be ashamed of what they are accustomed to glory in. It is clear that this can also be understood regarding teachers of heretical doctrines, who glory in the great numbers of children whom they have raised to perdition, drawing them out of the church and leading them on to homicide. Indeed, as many children as the heretics have generated in error, the devil has butchered. Of such a soul it is said, “Blessed is the barren woman who is undefiled, who has not known a sinful bed.” And, in fact, blessed is the person of the church who, as opposed to the heretic, has not generated children in error. And in another passage we read, “Better is childlessness with virtue, for the offspring of an illegitimate union will come to nothing. Even if they live a long life, they will be held of no account, and finally, their old age will be without honor.” Indeed, the fertile host of the godless is good for nothing. COMMENTARY ON HOSEA 2.10.14.
Толкование на группу стихов: Прем: 3: 13-13
Не такова участь нечестивых. И они. и жены их, и дети осуждены на гибель. Так что, вопреки всеобщему убеждению евреев, безчадие женщины и скопчество мужчины имеют больше преимущества, чем многочадие, зараженное грехом. Такое потомство несчастно и, хотя бы существовало долго, кончится гибелью
Толкование на группу стихов: Прем: 3: 13-13