Толкование на группу стихов: Прем: 9: 10-10
THE MISSIONS OF THE SON. AUGUSTINE: The Son is not properly said to have been “sent” by the simple fact that he was born of the Father. But he could be said to have been sent either when the Word made flesh was manifested in this world—and thus he says, “I was born of the Father and have come into this world”—or when in the course of time he is perceived by someone in their spirit, in the sense in which it is said, “Send her, that she might assist me and share in my labors.” Now, what was born from Eternity exists eternally, for it is “the splendor of the eternal light,” whereas what is sent in time is known by someone. But when the Son of God was manifest in the flesh, it is into this world that he was sent, in the fullness of time, through his birth of a woman. “For, since in the wisdom of God the world, by its own wisdom, could not know God—given that the light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it—it pleased God to save those who firmly believe through the foolishness of what is preached.” That is, it pleased him that the Word would become flesh and dwell among us. But, when in the course of time he comes forth and is perceived in the mind of someone, it is rightly said that the Word is sent, but not into this world, because he clearly does not appear sensibly, that is, he is not perceived by the senses of the body. Nor are we in this world when, according to our capacity, we attain something eternal with our spirit. ON THE TRINITY 4.20.28.