Толкование на группу стихов: Прем: 5: 23-23
THE HOLY SPIRIT IS GOD AND LORD. VIGILIUS OF THAPSUS: The Lord taught in the Gospel that the Holy Spirit is judge and can convict the entire world regarding sin, righteousness and judgment. It says, in fact, “The Holy Spirit, when he comes, will convict the world about sin, about righteousness and about judgment.” And Isaiah says, “The Lord will wash away the filth of the sons and daughters of Zion.” And in Solomon it is said, “The Spirit of God will break out against them and will scatter them like a whirlwind.” Again Isaiah says, “See that in my Spirit I carry out judgment, says the Lord.” Why then do you deny that people may ask pardon for their sins from their judge, so as to be more cleansed and more purified of sins, if they are successful in asking? And having done so, if they were to fall again into the evil of sin through rash words, that they could ask the Holy Spirit, directly and without difficulty, to grant them pardon and remission of their sins—to him, that is, who intercedes for us with the Father with inexpressible groanings? Since you accuse us of sacrilege for asserting, in confessing the Trinity, that the Holy Spirit is God and Lord, watch that you yourselves do not become more worthy of this charge. Indeed, you refuse to confess that Holy Spirit whom the Lord wanted the apostles to proclaim, without distinction, together with the Father and the Son, “Go therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” If, regarding the essence of the divinity, the Holy Spirit were not equal to the Father and the Son, how is it possible that in the sacrament of baptism nothing happens without him? AGAINST VARIMADUS 2.17.